

Things that were great about this semester (mostly in phrases with ending periods):

All English classes: ie, Advanced poetry workshop and Senior Seminar on "The Other."

Meeting/going to dinner with visiting authors !

The books: ie, Oyster, The Poetics of Space, HERE is Where We Meet, Beloved, Lord Jim, The Giant, O'Brien - etc.

The streak of winning luck.  I applied for all the same things last year and got rejection after rejection; seeing that turn around - and so many in a row - honestly boosted my optimism and encouraged me to keep plugging along and defy the odds (or just made me a cliche, cheesy, over-confident and optimistic shmuck?)  But a good thing, nonetheless.  I am lucky, lucky, lucky, and surrounded by positive, uplifting, well-meaning individuals!  I do not have more original words for any of this, at the moment!

Learning my limits with work/school.

Continuing my proven knack for running into the people I would rather not run into - not such a bad thing, I learned, and usually mildly amusing, at least.

Zingermann's vegan sandwich!  Holy munchies!  So ridiculously good...

Teaching wise children reading, and watching some of them learn that writing is empowerment and should be pursued, not evaded.

Learning yet more (it never ends!) about how to have a healthy relationship with both others and MYSELF (like I said never, ever ends, seriously).

MY NEW BIKE!  Such a handsome thing!

“We only know a few pinpoints of someone, Mercy thinks. We don’t know the spaces in between.”
 - Oyster

 Favorite grocery store, of late!

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