
more from Robert Hass:

"They are like exclamation points, woodpeckers."

This week, I finished off all the semester papers and ate way too much good food.  I looked at so many MFA and PhD programs, my head feels like it is hemorrhaging.

Beyond Basics social media:  Dark side = I have to Facebook a lot.  Bright side = It hopefully raises SOME awareness of the education crisis, thereby bringing SOME sort of good to the world (much less Detroit).

Least favorite phrase after watching Wonderful World: "Bottom-line" (or is it Bottom Line?  ....too lazy to look it up).

Highlights:  Avalon's vegan apple bars, Slow's BBQ black-eyed peas and okra!, visiting Belle Isle, including the Nature Zoo, and seeing Adam's face a little more frequently.

Today, I checked out three trillion (HAH) books from the Kresge for my thesis.  Goal: finish this thesis by July, when my summer class starts!

Lastly, I wrote a poem in a difficult form, which is unusual for me, and I am sort of proud of the result!  Success (I was feeling glum all week, so most of today boosted my spirits).

My brain is spilling everywhere this week (like I said - hemorrhaging), but hopefully it will all end somewhere good.  I DO know that I'm going to make a concerted effort at not pushing myself too hard this summer.  I don't have time to burn out!


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